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unified bed leveling resulting in Z-height issue

Posted by auggie246 
unified bed leveling resulting in Z-height issue
January 17, 2018 07:23AM
Before I used Unified Bed Leveling (UBL), I was using bilinear leveling with BLTouch. everything was fine and calibrated. a 20mm calibration cube would come out ~20mm.
But now that i implemented UBL, all my models have errors in Z height. a 7mm print became 8.5mm. a 20mm cube became 22mm, etc etc.
Is this an issue with fade height?

I am at a total loss here.
Re: unified bed leveling resulting in Z-height issue
January 17, 2018 06:39PM
Yes... It is very possibly a side effect of the fade height. How large is your Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER number? Or what is the G29 P5 number? If you have a large number (say greater than 1 mm) you are going to see the fade height impact things.
Re: unified bed leveling resulting in Z-height issue
January 18, 2018 04:00AM
-0.956070 is my value

I should to make it zero?
Re: unified bed leveling resulting in Z-height issue
January 18, 2018 12:08PM
Ideally, the mean of the mesh points should be close to 0.000 mm. I think things work out best homing the Z Axis at the center of the bed.
If you home in the center of the bed, you can look at the G29 T map to see which corners are too high (or low) and adjust them.
Re: unified bed leveling resulting in Z-height issue
January 20, 2018 08:20PM
How do I get the mean closer to 0? Do I shift my probe higher? Should my Z-probe offset be input before G29 P1 or should the offset be zero before G29P1.
Re: unified bed leveling resulting in Z-height issue
January 20, 2018 11:50PM
You should adjust your Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER number such that when you home, you can lower the nozzle and when it just barely touches the bed, the LCD is saying Z is equal to 0.00 mm.

If you set your printer up to home in the center of the bed, and post a G29 T we will have a much better idea what is happening. Probably, you should post a G29 W also.
Re: unified bed leveling resulting in Z-height issue
January 21, 2018 08:41AM
Yes my Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER is at a number which when I do G1 Z0, my nozzle barely touches the bed. However after I do a G29 P1. my mean mesh is around -0.9

G29 T gives
Bed Topography Report:
(0,7) (7,7)
(35,173) (192,173)
-0.844 -0.805 -0.764 -0.815 -0.887 -0.964 -0.943 -0.984

-0.941 -0.855 -0.874 -0.900 -0.940 -0.991 -0.960 -1.018

-0.944 [-0.902] -0.906 -0.975 -0.990 -1.017 -0.979 -0.962

-0.968 -0.931 -0.971 -1.020 -1.018 -1.063 -1.003 -0.935

-0.996 -0.982 -0.960 -1.027 -1.033 -1.071 -1.017 -0.972

-1.015 -0.997 -0.984 -1.042 -1.039 -1.085 -1.024 -0.981

-1.068 -1.032 -0.980 -1.034 -1.064 -1.082 -1.068 -1.044

-1.241 -1.081 -1.024 -1.061 -1.055 -1.085 -1.108 -1.099
(35,8) (192,8)
(0,0) (7,0)

and G29 W gives
Unified Bed Leveling System v1.01 active.
Mesh 1 Loaded.
UBL object count: 1
planner.z_fade_height : 10.0000
# of samples: 64
Mean Mesh Height: -0.990893
Standard Deviation: 0.079207
zprobe_zoffset: -1.3799999
MESH_MIN_X ((((((200) / 2) - (200) / 2) + 8)>(0 + 35)?((((200) / 2) - (200) / 2) + 8)sad smiley0 + 35)))=35
MESH_MIN_Y ((((((200) / 2) - (200) / 2) + 8)>(0 + -27)?((((200) / 2) - (200) / 2) + 8)sad smiley0 + -27)))=8
MESH_MAX_X ((((((200) / 2) + (200) / 2) - (8))<(200 + 35)?((((200) / 2) + (200) / 2) - (8))sad smiley200 + 35)))=192
MESH_MAX_Y ((((((200) / 2) + (200) / 2) - (8))<(200 + -27)?((((200) / 2) + (200) / 2) - (8))sad smiley200 + -27)))=173
X-Axis Mesh Points at: 35.000 57.429 79.857 102.286 124.714 147.143 169.571 192.000
Y-Axis Mesh Points at: 8.000 31.571 55.143 78.714 102.286 125.857 149.429 173.000
Kill pin on :41 state:1
Unified Bed Leveling sanity checks passed.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/21/2018 08:45AM by auggie246.
Re: unified bed leveling resulting in Z-height issue
January 21, 2018 11:56PM
Yes my Z_PROBE_OFFSET_FROM_EXTRUDER is at a number which when I do G1 Z0, my nozzle barely touches the bed. However after I do a G29 P1. my mean mesh is around -0.9

G29 T gives
Bed Topography Report:

Yes. But if that was true... There should be some mesh point on that Topography map that is close to 0.00 mm. Your Z-Probe_Offset_From-Extruder is not right. All of the bed leveling systems use the exact same low level probing system. This part of the code probably works...
Re: unified bed leveling resulting in Z-height issue
January 23, 2018 06:18AM
Hmm then why does my G1 Z0 shows that the nozzle is right above the bed. weird. I will play around with it for now
Re: unified bed leveling resulting in Z-height issue
January 23, 2018 06:45AM
i tried changing my probe offset to some other value. my mean mesh still shows ~-0.9....
This is just weird
Re: unified bed leveling resulting in Z-height issue
January 23, 2018 08:35PM
Besides changing the Z Probe Offset number in configuration.h, you also need to do a M502 and M500 to get the value updated in the EEPROM.
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