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3D Printer RAMPS 1.4 SD Card Reader

Posted by Roberts_Clif 
3D Printer RAMPS 1.4 SD Card Reader
December 24, 2017 01:48PM

I have purchased replacement 3D Printer RAMPS 1.4 SD Card Reader and need some help.

I have a Ramps 1.4 compatible controller and a RepRapDiscount Smart Controller working.

Asking for help to remove the LCD on board SD card Reader and Be able to connect the 3D Printer RAMPS 1.4 SD Card Reader.
What I Know.

Supports Voltage:4.5 to 5.5V
SPI Mode
Sits Directly on a RAMPS

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2017 01:56PM by Roberts_Clif.
Re: 3D Printer RAMPS 1.4 SD Card Reader
December 24, 2017 04:09PM
I hope there is some voltage level conversion on the back side of that board... most 8 bit boards are 5v, but sd cards are 3.3
(google shows me that yes there is)

I dont know why it has a 10 pin plug when it goes on to a 8 pin header.

all you need to do is isolate the CS that is going to the current SD card reader, the rest you just leave alone

wire up 5v, gnd , SCK, SO and SI and connect the CS to where the original CS was

there is also the card detect... never looked at that Suspect it just shorts out an io pin to gnd mechanically...
This is probably the pin under the gnd and beside the SI
Re: 3D Printer RAMPS 1.4 SD Card Reader
December 24, 2017 04:52PM
There is an
AMS1117 3.3 volt regulator It look like

It looks like the 2 pins on the bottom have no connections

So if I determine the corresponding pins from LCD SD card reader and adjust the pins to match the 3D Printer RAMPS 1.4 SD Card Reader should work.

Pins on my Controller (ignore periods)

I don't under isolate CS.

Edited 6 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2017 08:07PM by Roberts_Clif.
Re: 3D Printer RAMPS 1.4 SD Card Reader
December 24, 2017 08:22PM
SS is cs in this case , DET is probably sd card detect

you need to stop the SS signal getting to the current board (ie cut the track on the old display/sd reader) so that it only goes to the new card reader

you going to have to find a 5v somewhere for the new sd card

board pins SO KB KA DET GND SCK SS SI .RST KIL v?v
to sd card SO XX XX ??? GND SCK CS SI XX XX +5v

where xx is not connected
??? I suspect the it goes to pin under the gnd and beside the SI on your sdcard reader... for sd card detection
v?v you need to find a 5v supply somewhere

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/24/2017 08:22PM by Dust.
Re: 3D Printer RAMPS 1.4 SD Card Reader
December 25, 2017 01:28PM
Should mention I Have a Hictop MPS.3 Controller

Well this is what was done by removing the SD cable from the LCD the Click encoder will click but it will not move when turned.
Stop button will not function. Buzzer still functions.
KA, KB and GND connect to the Turn Encoder and RST connects to the Stop switch thru a 10 K resister and GND.

SD card still will not work. It says it is inserted when DET is connected to GND

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/25/2017 03:48PM by Roberts_Clif.
Re: 3D Printer RAMPS 1.4 SD Card Reader
December 25, 2017 07:07PM
as I said in [forums.reprap.org]

I sill suspect its just incompatible sd cards
Re: 3D Printer RAMPS 1.4 SD Card Reader
December 25, 2017 08:09PM
I read this post already, thou was not going to remap the pins. Was just trying to use an external SD card to replace the LCD SD Card.
And I still believe I can do this. This card reader may be incompatible but do not believe this either.

Just need the more time to figure out what is is I am not doing and I will get something to work, this is only the second day during the busiest holiday of the year.
(Have repaired / programmed for multi-million dollar computer equipment all my life I can surely get a SD card to work).

I guess the only question I would ask is if anyone is using this card with a RAMPS 1.4 controller then I can look see if there are any software changes that need to be made.

Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 12/25/2017 08:57PM by Roberts_Clif.
Re: 3D Printer RAMPS 1.4 SD Card Reader
December 25, 2017 09:02PM
You can buy a new RAMPS v1.4 board for under $4 (including shipping) on eBay: [www.ebay.com]

If you are doing this because you enjoy it and just want to play with things, that is fine. I'm 100% supportive. But if you are doing this to regain lost functionality of the RAMPS board, I'm thinking it doesn't make sense.
Re: 3D Printer RAMPS 1.4 SD Card Reader
December 25, 2017 09:42PM
he has a Hictop MPS.3 Controller so a ramps + mega...
Re: 3D Printer RAMPS 1.4 SD Card Reader
December 26, 2017 09:53AM
You can buy a new RAMPS v1.4 board for under $4 (including shipping) on eBay: [www.ebay.com]

If you are doing this because you enjoy it and just want to play with things, that is fine. I'm 100% supportive. But if you are doing this to regain lost functionality of the RAMPS board, I'm thinking it doesn't make sense.

Believe me have been looking at them

And I may end up with one, thou I am determined to beat this.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/26/2017 09:59AM by Roberts_Clif.
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