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Weirdness after installing BLTouch (xpost from Electronics)

Posted by RickRap 
Weirdness after installing BLTouch (xpost from Electronics)
June 12, 2017 11:28PM
Posted this in Electronics, but this is probably a better place.

Not sure what I messed up, but I am having some very strange behavior after installing a BL touch.

All my prints stop after 5mm in the Z direction. Is there some setting I may have tweeked that limits print height to 5mm?
Re: Weirdness after installing BLTouch (xpost from Electronics)
June 13, 2017 08:34AM
This always happens: post a question then you discover the answer.

Not sure what the problem was, but I'm thinking it had to do with defining absolute x,y,z. I sliced my part with a G92 X0 Y0 Z0 at the beginning and that fixed it. I was concerned that it would wipe out the leveling info gathered from G29, but it doesn't appear that's the case.
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