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Can anyone with a Prusa i3 MK2 help me?

Posted by slippyr4 
Can anyone with a Prusa i3 MK2 help me?
June 21, 2017 02:09PM
I'm struggling to get my clone i3 mk2 with my clone mk42 bed to pass XYZ calibration. I'm not sure what's wrong, but I think it may be the bed.

I'm wondering if someone who has an original would be kind enough to help me by recalibration thei printer and sending me some of the diagnostic output. This will have the effect of recalibrating your printer and restarting the mesh bed levelling.

To do so, rather than starting the process from the menu option, please use pronterface and first send Goode M44 (clear the calibration data) followed by M45 V2

The process will then start and you'll need to follow the instructions on th LCD as normal. When it completes, please copy and paste the information that was logged to the console in pronterface.

Thanks in advance for your help!!
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