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e3d v6 hotend keeps jamming

Posted by noob30 
e3d v6 hotend keeps jamming
April 24, 2017 06:05AM

I have installed a e3d v6 hotend on my cheap hictop Anet A8 printer.

I have been having nothing but trouble with the nozzle jamming ever since.

When I do an atomic pull on my extruder, I keep pulling out pla worms that appear to have been chewed on by a dog with a nozzle shaped end to it.
The nozzle shaped end appears to have not melted at all. But the hotend appears to be at right temp because it is extruding when I do "move axis" command on the extruder.

I have set the temperature to be 190 @ 25mm/s

Originally the throat tube didn't I have a fan to cool the throat tube. but the v6 has a heatsink and fan. Unfortunately the throat tube on the e3d hotend has a much shorter throat tube hence I have nothing to attach the throat tube to the original x caridge. My throat tube attaches in a similar fasion to the one in the following image


At the moment I'm using a different throat tube to e3d's without a heatsink so I can attach it.

Is this fan absolutely nescessary when printing with PLA? I do suspect the original was reliying on the fan on the left hand side of the extruder motor.

My plan was to print the new mounts I need to do it properly but have been struggling ever since I installed it.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/24/2017 06:06AM by noob30.
Re: e3d v6 hotend keeps jamming
April 26, 2017 11:38AM
Just added a e3d clone hot end last night and also having issue with it jamming and under extruding. Not had to try to adjust anything but any suggestion on what to try would be helpful.
Re: e3d v6 hotend keeps jamming
April 26, 2017 02:00PM
The heat sink isn't optional, and nor is the fan. The plastic isn't meant to melt until it's past the heatbreak I the nozzle area, and your lack of cooling means that it is. It will never work until you use it as designed.
Re: e3d v6 hotend keeps jamming
April 26, 2017 07:31PM
I have attach photos of my set up. I plan on adding thermal paste on the nozzle through (part that is on the heatsink before the heat break). Will adjust the retraction amount from 2mm to 3mm and increase the speed. Hope the helps. I fear the way I have the tube from the extruder to the hot end it causing the problem.
open | download - rps20170426_192549.jpg (36.8 KB)
open | download - rps20170426_192521.jpg (63.5 KB)
open | download - rps20170426_192448.jpg (62.9 KB)
Re: e3d v6 hotend keeps jamming
April 27, 2017 07:24PM
So rebuilt the hot end and some thermal paste, adjusted the retraction setting, and final adjusted the etrustion multipler. Now everything seems to be working ok. Still have some air gaps between the walls. I think just adjusting the extruder multipler by 5% until it gone.
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