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Cheap prusa i3 or scam you decide

Posted by Wpflum 
Cheap prusa i3 or scam you decide
November 28, 2014 09:31PM
I just came across this on ebay,

Sintron 3D Printer

Currently it lists 10 in stock and a price of $68.23 with free shipping.

The seller has no feedback for sales, all his feedback is as a buyer.

This is the basic Acrylic prusa i3 with a bowden extruder and the LCD display.

Either this is a big screw up and will be dropped/edited or it's a scam although it's the strangest scam I can imagine, why 68.23 and not say $100 or $200 and why 10 available and not more if it was a scam.

If I had a free 70 bucks I might consider it to see if it is real since it would be an incredible deal if real but I can't take the chance on losing cash before Christmas.

What do you think?

P.S. I just had a random thought, were there any bulk thefts of printer kits lately as that would be the only way they could sell at this price but again $68.23??????
Re: Cheap prusa i3 or scam you decide
November 28, 2014 10:44PM
got to be a scam.... even the cheapest parts from china in bulk cant match that price...
Re: Cheap prusa i3 or scam you decide
November 28, 2014 11:32PM
Someome in New York should arrange to do a local pickup.
Re: Cheap prusa i3 or scam you decide
November 29, 2014 07:49AM
The link above does not go directly to an auction. Did they pull it?????

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/29/2014 07:49AM by vreihen.
Re: Cheap prusa i3 or scam you decide
November 30, 2014 02:07AM
I think it's very likely that Ebay has torpedoed this seller.

Waitaki 3D Printer
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