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Santa Rosa Group

Posted by bobby2sox 
Santa Rosa Group
April 24, 2012 07:43PM
Hello Bay Area,

I will be receiving everything I need to build my first printer (Prusa Iteration 2) over the next week.... I have a large office space near the airport and would love to host a monthly meeting or even more often if there is enough interest.

Anyone up in the north bay interested in this?

Robert Cordtz
Re: Santa Rosa Group
May 02, 2012 10:25AM
I got all of my parts and I am going to start putting this bad boy together on Thursday if anyone is interested, post here, message me, email me ([email protected]) or find me on facebook (Robert Cordtz)

It would be cool to get something going around here.
Re: Santa Rosa Group
May 05, 2012 01:17PM
I am down in Dublin, so it would be a little drive for me to attend, but if you do start monthly meetings then I will try to drop in occasionally. I have an old Sells Mendel that has been melting plastic for a couple of years, just finished a Quantum ORD bot (using extruded aluminum, Makerslide), and am assembling a Mendelmax now.

I have experimented with a lot of different hot ends, and have settled on the Makergear and J-heads as the easiest/best for me. I usually use RAMPS for the electronics, have used versions 1.2 thru 1.4. I just bought the Azteeg to see if that will be a suitable lower cost alternative, and will try it out on my Mendelmax.
Re: Santa Rosa Group
May 17, 2012 01:24PM
A little short notice... but we are going to have out first meeting today at 5:30pm in Santa Rosa out near the airport. If anyone is interested, email me ([email protected]) or find me on facebook.
Re: Santa Rosa Group
May 17, 2012 06:42PM
If anyone near by reads this and knows much about 3D printing... please come... we are all beginners and could use a little help getting started up. There are 9 of us smiling smiley
3mm ABS
September 17, 2012 07:15PM
Hi Folks,

My partner and I just got the Printrbot up and running. I've got it tuned up to the point where it can make a decent pattern for silicone molds (with a fair bit of cleanup work, of course). Needless to say, once we got the bot up and running we ran through the filament PDQ. I'm wondering if anyone local would be willing to sell a bit of filament? I'd be happy to pay a premium, and I'd love to see what others are up to with their printers. Any takers?

Also, are you meeting these days? I'd love to meet up and see how other folks are fairing with their 3D printers.

Happy building!

-Andy Hudson
Re: Santa Rosa Group
September 18, 2012 03:12PM
I'm down in Dublin (near Livermore and Pleasanton), I have a fair amount of odds and ends, mostly PLA but I also have some lengths of ABS in 3mm, in various colors. PM me if you're interested.
Re: Santa Rosa Group
March 22, 2013 06:54AM
I'm also in the Santa Rosa area and am interested in meeting others here.
Re: Santa Rosa Group
April 20, 2013 08:12PM
I'm in Lake County, Santa Rosa is close enough. Is this group still alive?
Re: Santa Rosa Group
April 29, 2013 04:52PM
Same here... Santa Rosa, Sebastopol!
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