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Fill density ????

Posted by Jokinb 
Fill density ????
September 15, 2015 09:30AM
I set the fill density to 100% and I get a fill that is far away from 100% filled ( see image). If I set the fill density to 50% I get the same error. The fill area is not 50% filled. ( see picture. I use the last slc3r version and Repetier host.
What is wrong.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/15/2015 09:31AM by Jokinb.
open | download - image.jpg (21.8 KB)
open | download - image.jpg (16.8 KB)
Re: Fill density ????
September 15, 2015 10:12AM
Does whatever generates those images take into account the width of the plastic deposited, of does it only show the path of the nozzle?

Have you tried actually printing? Do the prints look like the images you posted?

Ultra MegaMax Dominator 3D printer: [drmrehorst.blogspot.com]
Re: Fill density ????
September 15, 2015 11:30AM
if I print it I get the same result that is showed in the pictures.
The pictures are screenshoots of the Repetier Host screen.
Re: Fill density ????
September 16, 2015 03:33AM
Do not use anything but the Slic3r's own 3D path preview for viewing actual plastic filling estimation.

Is your filament diameter correct?
Re: Fill density ????
September 16, 2015 04:11AM
The problemn is that the % infill parameter doesnt fill the form correctly. It is supossed that a 100% fill density must be a solid layer, but it is not.
A 50% fill sensity must be a 50% solid layer.......
When I print I get exactly what is showed in the Slic3r preview window. A very light density infill.
Yes my filament diameter is ok.
Re: Fill density ????
September 16, 2015 06:55AM
Maybe reset to default settings (using the config wizard), and change only to 100% infill, and try it.
Re: Fill density ????
September 16, 2015 08:24AM
I suspect that Slic3r is using too great a value for the extrusion width. Leaving that setting on "automatic" can result in ridiculously wide extrusion widths being used. Try over-riding the default extrusion width - don't set it wider than about 2 times nozzle diameter, or thinner than 1.5 times layer height. So for a 0.4mm nozzle and 0.2mm layer height, the extrusion width should be between 0.3mm and 0.8mm

You can find the extrusion width that Slic3r has used by looking at the G-code file it produces with a text editor.

Re: Fill density ????
September 16, 2015 11:41AM
Thanks dmould. it solved the problem. Extrusion width fixed at 0,8 run ok
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