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last layer ... more definition

Posted by MammaAiuto 
last layer ... more definition
June 22, 2016 03:38PM
Hello all, I work as model-maker for a med size architecture office and we have started to use a Geeetech prusa I3
My print a basicaly ok but ( small volumetric building ) but de last layer seam always looking as ...it miss some line in the center of the peace.
When I look to the drawing all look ok but when it pass on the slic3r it always have some line missing and it's not the feed from the hot head ....more like the software make a loos job.
Is it possible the ask slic3r to make more definition in the last layer .... more tight pass to improve the quality of the top of my building

Thanks fotr your help
Ps: I will try to take a picture

Marc P.
Re: last layer ... more definition
June 22, 2016 04:07PM
With Simplify3d you can add as many processes you wat to a piece, but don't think you can do that with slic3r. But you can add more solid layers to the top and/or slow manually your printer speed.
Re: last layer ... more definition
June 22, 2016 05:43PM
Does your slic3r configuration have the correct nozzle setting that matches your nozzle in the machine? Slic3r could be assuming you have a larger nozzle, so it's paths are further apart knowing the plastic would spread?
Re: last layer ... more definition
June 22, 2016 06:07PM
Does this help: [manual.slic3r.org]? I've never tried it, but it might do what you want.

See my blog at [moosteria.blogspot.com].
Re: last layer ... more definition
July 02, 2016 03:53PM
In slic3r you can set the extrusion width for top solid infil. Go to print settings > advanced > top solid infill. Using a smaller number i.e. 80% will mean more lines on the top surface. You can't really go much below this as you can't really print smaller than the nozzle width but it's worth a play around with. Also make sure the z axis is calibrated right and the e-steps are calibrated right, if you are slightly under-extruding then the effect gets more pronounced the taller your model gets as each layer is that little bit less well filled than the last. Maybe try turning up the flow rate as you near the top of the model, which works for flat topped models but might be difficult for complex models which have lots of top surfaces at different heights.

Simon Khoury

Co-founder of [www.precisionpiezo.co.uk] Accurate, repeatable, versatile Z-Probes
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