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first print ! how to mesure ?

Posted by charliebe 
first print ! how to mesure ?
March 29, 2015 08:35AM
Hi, i just complete my first print on my prusa i3 using repetier-host. It's a test part (.stl) i download from thinkiverse i think. How do i find the mesure the part shoud be ?
I'm a machinist so i know how to use a caliper but i want to analyse the .stl file. I attach the files.

open | download - _40x10.STL (85.1 KB)
Re: first print ! how to mesure ?
March 29, 2015 11:06AM
Import the file into something like freecad and use the measuring function.
Under the part workbench.
Youl need to turn it into a solid and then probably simplify the the part.
Then you can use the measure function and select 2 points, edges or faces to measure.

Freecad is open source.

Re: first print ! how to mesure ?
March 30, 2015 07:34PM
Take a look at the attached picture, I don't know how that part is 40 X 10??????

X: 20
Y: 29.983
Z: 12
open | download - 40x10.jpg (286.3 KB)
Re: first print ! how to mesure ?
March 30, 2015 07:42PM
this is the closest to 40 x 10

X: 20
Y: 19.99
Z: 10
open | download - _40x10.STL (15.5 KB)
Re: first print ! how to mesure ?
March 30, 2015 10:53PM
Take a look at the attached picture, I don't know how that part is 40 X 10??????

X: 20
Y: 29.983
Z: 12

this is what i got too, i download freecad and create my own calibration part and it was very easy to export in .stl, print and mesure.
thanks for your help !
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