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slicer problems maybe?

Posted by imjeffd1988 
slicer problems maybe?
October 26, 2014 09:48AM
ok so i have a printrbot simple 2014 i know not RepRap but i am thinking about making it in to one but anyway so as in the photo's you can see one of the 5 squares started to lay down two infill's every layer and it would build up and i would take my knife and cut it to make it flat meany times so it could finish printing before that it printed on an angle in one of the photo's it shows this I used freecad to make the stl file and repetier with SLIC3R as the slicer i don't know what is causing this to happen. in repetier it dose not show just that square getting infill when i look at single layers i would attach the gcode but it's file is to big well i got to get some sleep i stad up all night printing this
open | download - IMAG03752.jpg (488.2 KB)
open | download - IMAG03702.jpg (525.6 KB)
open | download - IMAG0367.jpg (563 KB)
Re: slicer problems maybe?
October 27, 2014 12:08AM
Most likely the problem is in the STL file, run it through netfabb cloud and see if it fix it.
Re: slicer problems maybe?
October 27, 2014 07:39PM
Most likely the problem is in the STL file, run it through netfabb cloud and see if it fix it.
ok so i made a circle in freecad and i sliced it in Slic3r and it printed out on an angle so sliced it in kissicer and the same thing happened so i unloaded to netfabb still same problem i attach the .stl file's i attached another photo it's of the settings i have the gcode flavor set to reprap any more advice?
open | download - ring90mm.stl (51.3 KB)
open | download - ring90mm_fixed.stl (51.3 KB)
open | download - settings.jpg (228.8 KB)
Re: slicer problems maybe?
October 27, 2014 08:31PM
Ok, in the first post you mentioned an odd event happening in the print (double infill) some times if the parts isn't water tight or the mesh was generated wrong, this kind of things might happen, I have seen it in parts of my own creation, the slicer can't process this "mistakes" and generates weird stuff (creates solid infill where should not be one).
Now if your printer is doing weird stuff all the time, I will assume is more related to firmware settings than slicer problems. Have you done any firmware updats recently? Have you changed anything there? Can you get a fresh one and re-flash it to see if by some weird event yours get corrupted? .
Let me know.
Re: slicer problems maybe?
October 27, 2014 08:39PM
One thing I just noticed when looking at your settings in the slicer, why are you setting your printer bed size so small? 99mm by 99mm, it's that the real size of your built plate? I don't think that's the problem but you need to set the real size in the slicer.
Re: slicer problems maybe?
October 27, 2014 09:02PM
I took a look at some of your printer photos, it's your printer the wooden type? It's your printer's bearings hold by zip ties? If yes to both and angle is happening in the x axis, the answer to "most" of your problems is that the printer might have developed a slack.
Re: slicer problems maybe?
October 28, 2014 02:13PM
yes my printer is only 99mm x 99mm this is one of the reasons i wan't to make an reprap that and it keeps printing things to big by like .2mm to .45mm but anyway so i put a photo of my printer in a attachment it's a printerbot simple the strings that it uses are tight i also put a photo of it printing the ring with it printing a 10mm x 10mm x 10mm cube and a bolt but they all printed just fine no weird angle even though i printed the ring that never was unloaded to be fix but i should say something i did plug my laptop power supply into the printer about a week ago and it does seem like this started about then the power supply that it came with is 12v laptop 19v it printed a entire print before i noticed that is was plugged into my laptop power supply
and just to clarify ring by it's self prints on an angle ring with bolt and cube inside prints just fine "scratches head"
open | download - IMAG0378.jpg (521.9 KB)
open | download - IMAG0379.jpg (508.9 KB)
open | download - IMAG0368.jpg (393.7 KB)
Re: slicer problems maybe?
October 28, 2014 08:49PM
OK. Now that I saw the pictures and the printer I can tell you where is your problem.
First: don't worry to much about the power supply, I don't think you damaged anything, most voltage regulators can take some punch in but not out (they can take some extra volts in but not amperage consumption).
Your problems is the method your printer uses to move the axis FISH LINES, welcome to the world of problems and inaccuracies.
Reset all your lines tight them really good and recalibrate your steps per mm, you might think your lines are tight, but what about the motor pulley? Rough the pulley with sand paper to gain some grip because trust me it is loosing traction. But better yet, go to Aliexpress, eBay or any seller of your choice and replace them with belts and pulleys.
My first printer was an smartrap it was set with fish lines, I almost quit my desire for 3d printing just because of the f@#$%@ fish lines, after I switched them to belts..... Well I'm still printing today.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 10/28/2014 09:08PM by ggherbaz.
Re: slicer problems maybe?
October 28, 2014 09:01PM
BTW the fish lines are the reason why you are getting like you said "bigger parts".
Do a simple test: in pronterface or any controller move your axis 10mm and measure it with a caliper, I can bet you my "almost" new Jag that is not close, then without homing it, request another 10mm and then let me know.
Re: slicer problems maybe?
November 05, 2014 07:42PM
ok sorry i did not get back with you sooner i have been busy fixing my moms car and putting in a shower but anyway the thing is when i click on the slice button some times i get a message telling me something like the part is out of the print area even though it is not and even in the gcode editor it does not show it out side the print area so part of the program knows that it is going to be printing on an angle and going outside the print area and i did check to see if it was taking about the skirt or not but about the fishing lines yah when i try to move 10mm i get 10.22 then i got 10.4 but when i move it back its consistent i moved back and forth on the y axes 10x atleast and it still would stop at the some point that it started at this explains the bigger prints but not the angled prints i find it interesting that if i use a stl file from the internet and just print that part i have never had it print on an angle but if i add a part that i made it will some times print on an angle both or just the part that i made maybe i should try a deferent cad software other then Freecad

on a second note if you look at the pic's i attached you can see my own custom heat bed it use's 45 1/4W 470ohm resistor's it heats the bed so hot i can not touch it in about 12min's but a lot of heat is conducted to the solid on the other side of the pcb so im ordering some 1K 0805 smd resistors so i can put them in parallel strips on the pcb to get about 10ohm's and use some thermal tape down the strip so it does not short on the aluminum bed and so more of the heat conducts to the bed as well
open | download - IMAG0381.jpg (593.2 KB)
open | download - IMAG0380.jpg (591.4 KB)
open | download - IMAG0391.jpg (539.2 KB)
Re: slicer problems maybe?
November 06, 2014 10:16PM
You know, I was looking again the photos you posted before especially the first one where you got a bolt a cube and a big ring, and it looks like your problems show more on round parts that square ones and I think the problems show more on the y axis than the x axis, since you modified your bed and because the way you did it, did the problem happened after you did the modifications or it was already something present? With so many resistors and open solder, could you be creating noise interference in your stepper motor? Isn't the y motor close to that heater bed? Other thing to look for is any play in the Y axle (loose rods or lines) and one more thing that I know for personal experience, does the Z axis has any wobbling or the smooth rods can swing? Because when x moves back and forth at printing speeds, it can make the z rods swing creating the angle on the print, you may not see it happening that much on small square parts but will show on round ones, grab the extruder with your hands and try to swing it in Y axis back and forth, if swing happens, you will have to secure the smooth rods somehow.

Let me know
Re: slicer problems maybe?
November 07, 2014 02:59AM
in photo IMAG0378 the printer did not print on an angle the bolt looks a bit like it did but it just did not print the best and i picked it up and sat it back on the bed the y motor is between the to z rods and the problem started before i modified the bed and even though the resistors are inductive im not using pwm and even if i was i don't think there would be enough nose to mess any thing up the fan's will produce more nose but anyway if i print a ring by it's self im doing that as i type i can see it printing on an angle already if i pause the print and re-home the x and y axes and un-pause it will keep printing right where it left off at and i checked to see if the re-homing worked to fix an axes that is not in the correct position so i moved one of the axes by pushing it then re-homing it and it did what re-homing does and placed the axes in the correct position and went on to printing the ring see photo
and the y axes does move a litlie bit side to side when i print it will make waves on the sides of the print but its not much of a problem right now its not what is casing this angle thing to happen and im still printing other things from the internet and they print fine just a little to big thats all its just things i make in freecad that seem to some times do this angle thing

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/07/2014 03:02AM by imjeffd1988.
open | download - IMAG0399.jpg (577 KB)
Re: slicer problems maybe?
November 07, 2014 07:48AM
Ok, so then the only posible causes are either slicer or desing software.
Can you post your cad file here, and the stl file too. I have access to Autodesk Inventor and we can try to eliminate one of the possibilities.
Re: slicer problems maybe?
November 07, 2014 07:52AM
One more thing, I use simplify3d as my main slicer, if you give me all your printer dimensions and the settings you want to print the part, I might be able to create the g code for you this way we can "kill two birds with one stone "

Need to know which is your inverted axis, assume it will be Y.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/07/2014 07:55AM by ggherbaz.
Re: slicer problems maybe?
November 07, 2014 10:12PM
Try these files, I used a printrbot junior setting and modified to you bed size. you can read the code and add anything you would like. this way we can figure where is your problem if it is software.
open | download - test.stl (142.2 KB)
open | download - test.gcode (594.7 KB)
Re: slicer problems maybe?
November 12, 2014 10:38AM
ok sorry again for taking so long to get back with you i attach a photo of the gcode you shared it did not centered its self and i don't know how to center it. the stl file i printed that and it still printed outward on an angle here is a link to my google site at the top there is a file that is named "ring90mm.gcode" [sites.google.com] and some canning recipes as well the .gcode file is just to big to up-load i attach the a .fcstd file but i don't think thats the format you want it in also the .stl file as well
open | download - 3dpic.jpg (277.1 KB)
open | download - ring90mm.FCStd (4.1 KB)
open | download - ring90mm.stl (51.3 KB)
Re: slicer problems maybe?
November 12, 2014 09:08PM
Try this one, I might not changed the built plate size and center on the previous gcode.
open | download - ring90mm (1).gcode (530.7 KB)
Re: slicer problems maybe?
November 12, 2014 09:18PM
One more thing, I opened the gcode that you posted and the way the infill is made it's weird, what size nozzle are you using? 0.4 right? and what extrusion width?

ring 1 your gcode infill
ring 2 my gcode infill
open | download - ring 1.jpg (218.6 KB)
open | download - ring 2.jpg (290.6 KB)
Re: slicer problems maybe?
November 12, 2014 09:28PM
Well, at least we can discard the design software possibility, I hope this g code will work, if it does and still comes out in angle, then you will have to review your hardware again.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/12/2014 09:29PM by ggherbaz.
Re: slicer problems maybe?
November 17, 2014 11:19AM
i have attached photo's of the settings that i use there some more in the next post
open | download - 3d3.jpg (90.6 KB)
open | download - 3d2.jpg (62.2 KB)
open | download - 3d.jpg (76.5 KB)
open | download - extruder.jpg (123.7 KB)
open | download - general.jpg (106.8 KB)
open | download - filament.jpg (88.3 KB)
open | download - layers and perimeters.jpg (131.4 KB)
open | download - infill.jpg (118.2 KB)
open | download - speed.jpg (139.7 KB)
open | download - skirt and brim.jpg (96 KB)
Re: slicer problems maybe?
November 17, 2014 11:50AM
the gcode is not in the center and the thing is the stl file that you made prints at the some size but if i scale it to 1.4 it prints on an angle this is some thing that i have noticed small prints seem to print correctly until i try to print a big part then it may or may not print correctly and big prints most the time print on an angle
if you look at the first post the third photo "IMAG0367" it shows that the print was printing fine but i paused the print it started printing on an angle now i did not pay attention to close but i think thats what happened so i thinking there might be a problem with the software on the printer but im going to do some test and so see what size of circles don't print right
open | download - advanced.jpg (129.3 KB)
open | download - ring90mm(1)photo.jpg (254 KB)
Re: slicer problems maybe?
November 18, 2014 12:01PM
When I get home I will redo the file, but I'm sure I set it right last time, 99 by 99 and I center it up like yours 49.5 by 49.5, so unless you have an offset somewhere? I don't understand why it's doing that.

Now the part you mentioned about getting better results with small parts its understandable because your axis won't have to move too much an its easier to keep the calibration.
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