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Can anyone identify this on my hotend?

Posted by soldanr 
Can anyone identify this on my hotend?
March 30, 2014 02:38PM
Since I was having printing issues (inconsistent flow / nozzle clogging) I removed the nozzle on my Buda and noticed something weird happening.
I can't really identify what is going on but it had some powder substance in it. Looks like the substance to die the filament!?

I am using 3mm IC3D filament in black in a .35mm buda.

I think that is what causing my prints to clog and not stay consistent.?
If any one can identify this I would appreciate it.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/30/2014 02:45PM by soldanr.
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Re: Can anyone identify this on my hotend?
March 30, 2014 03:10PM
That looks like you are melting your thermal barrier and that you do not have a good seal between the barrier an the nozzle letting print material to flow in between the two.

What kind of temperatures are you running the hot end at? I've been running some IC3D 1.75mm filament without any problems like this.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/30/2014 03:11PM by Dirty Steve.
Re: Can anyone identify this on my hotend?
March 30, 2014 04:48PM
I am running at 230C.

I agree about the thermal barrier. I will try re-assemble the buda so that the nozzle has a complete seal.

Re: Can anyone identify this on my hotend?
October 12, 2014 12:21PM
i have just started using ABS, and am giving up due to all the issues, 2 weeks of dithering and no prints...now i made a slurry out of some of my ABS, and i noticed that there are solid bits at the bottom of the slurry, which i too think is either die, or actual contamination in the filament...my nozzle certainly doesnt look like yours, but i am getting jamming and find that the filament is too soft causing grooving by the hobbed bolt...i think i bought low quality filament..(got it from Aliexpress-China made)...Im going back to PLA this week so I can have some fun, but will buy good quality ABS next month and get back to testing with it
Re: Can anyone identify this on my hotend?
October 13, 2014 03:56PM
If hou buy ABS, first try natural or white abs, as black ABS usually has a lot of recycled (contaminated) materials in it.
When you buy black ABS, buy it from a reputable source.

But even then I find printing with black ABS challinging.

I even had my glass bed cracked twice because adhesion was so good, and warping so strong.
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