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Mendel Max: Has anyone tried to print the tree?

Posted by printman 
Mendel Max: Has anyone tried to print the tree?
January 06, 2013 10:56AM
Hi all,

I tried to print this tree. Exactly the stl file, but without success I would say. Is there anyone who already printed it? What are your experiences / settings?

My attempt was done with the following settings:
Printer: Mendel Max 1.5
Material: PLA

Slic3r settings:
Layer height: 0.15
Perimeters: 3
Solid Layers: 3
Fill density: 0.4
Fill angle: 45°
Fill pattern: rectilinear
Retraction: 5 mm
Lift Z: 0 mm
Speed: 60 mm/s
Nozzle: 0.35 mm
Filament diameter: 1.75mm
Temperature: 196°C
Bed temperature: 66°C
Perimeters: 30 mm/s
Small perimeters: 30 mm/s
Infill: 50 mm/s
Solid infill: 50 mm/s
Bridges: 50 mm/s
Travel: 130 mm/s
Bottom layer speed ration: 0.5
Extrusion width: 0
Bridge flow ration: 2

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/07/2013 06:24PM by printman.
open | download - tree.jpg (81.7 KB)
Re: Mendel Max: Have anyone tried to print the tree?
January 06, 2013 01:58PM
I haven't printed it, but, given how small it is, you're probably going to have to slow way down and get some cooling on it.
The challenge with tall thin objects like this is giving the previous layer a chance to cool before the following one is deposited, you probably need to drop the extrusion temperature as low as you can, add a fan, and set a minimum layer time.
The other issue you'll have is knocking it over, I'd print it with some Z lift.
Re: Mendel Max: Has anyone tried to print the tree?
January 09, 2013 07:42PM
I switched to new version of Slic3r 0.9.7 and changed the following values:

Slic3r settings:
Layer height: 0.14
Perimeters (minimum): 1
Solid Layers :Top 2, Bottom: 1
Fill density: 0.3
Temperature: 180°C
Bed temperature: 60°C

It got better, but there are still problems with the branches. I can't go lower with the bed temp. because objects do not stick well on the bed even at 60 deg. Not sure how to continue now...
open | download - tree2.jpg (417.3 KB)
Re: Mendel Max: Has anyone tried to print the tree?
January 10, 2013 10:28AM
Im very new to 3d printing and the forum. Looks like a good challenge, ill post my results.
Re: Mendel Max: Has anyone tried to print the tree?
February 05, 2013 05:03PM
Chipper: It is a challenge. Try to print your own.

I'm bringing a new tree. It is slightly better.

Slic3r 0.9.8 settings:
Layer height: 0.2
Perimeters (minimum): 1
Solid Layers :Top 2, Bottom: 2
Fill density: 0.225
Temperature: 190°C
Bed temperature: 60°C
Speed: 30 mm/s
Retraction: 1.6 mm/s
open | download - tree3.jpg (144.7 KB)
open | download - tree3b.jpg (160.2 KB)
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