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How to use High power Stepper driver(TB6600) in RUMBA board

geschrieben von mubarak111nsu 
How to use High power Stepper driver(TB6600) in RUMBA board
28. February 2018 07:51
Dear respected sir, Hope you are in good health with success and happiness. I'm really happy for your awesome tutorials. But I'm facing a problem. I'm making a large size 3D printer where I'm using Nema 23 stepper motor which need 3A current.
That's means, I will use 4 Nema 23 Stepper motor.
In X axis 1 Nema 23
Y axis 1 Nema 23
Z axis 2 Nema 23

Those A4988 Stepper motor driver can provide maximum 2A current. Therefore, I am using TB6600 high power stepper driver. But I do not know the Pin-out to connect RUMPA board with TB6600 stepper driver.
Please sir, could you help me?
I will be grateful to you.
Re: How to use High power Stepper driver(TB6600) in RUMBA board
01. March 2018 07:50
You might post this in the english speaking area of the RepRap forum to get more answers.
This should help you
It makes the four lines step, dir, enable and ground that are coming from the Rumba available.

Re: How to use High power Stepper driver(TB6600) in RUMBA board
05. March 2018 08:39
And depending on which TB6600 drivers you use, you might have to tweak them a little bit.
I used the HY-DIV268N-5A and there are two tutorials how to improve them in terms of torque and stepping quality.
following links are in this topic:
Changing ICs => Stepping Quality
Changing resistors and bridging two pins => More Torque

1-mal bearbeitet. Zuletzt am 05.03.18 08:40.

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