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Extending cables for display

Posted by MakersMic 
Extending cables for display
August 08, 2017 09:34PM
Group, would there be any issue with the display communicating with the display of I wanted to extend the cables that connect the two? Currently they are about nine inches long and I would like to extend to about five feet. I know it's long but that's the goal.
Re: Extending cables for display
August 09, 2017 03:20PM
Using normal ribbon cables you will almost certainly get garbled data on the screen,
You might get away with using screened cable but i doubt it, not at 5 feet.
Re: Extending cables for display
August 09, 2017 08:35PM
I successfully lengthened the cables by 2.5 feet. No issues yet.....
Re: Extending cables for display
August 09, 2017 10:02PM
I'm using the 600mm cables w/o any issues but I'm fairly certain that going to 5 feet would be a no go using ribbon cables. I've seen 1 meter shielded cables for sale but that still falls significantly short of your goal. You may be safe using ribbon cables at 2.5 feet like you've done if you make sure they don't have any cross talk issues with the other wiring.
Re: Extending cables for display
August 10, 2017 03:53AM
You could probably get it working over 5 feet of cable if you used RS422 line drivers to send the signals and the corresponding receivers to receive them. Otherwise, I think it's unlikely.

Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 08/10/2017 03:56AM by dc42.

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