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30cm x 30cm rexroth

Posted by waldoz 
30cm x 30cm rexroth
October 13, 2015 02:38PM
I have been looking for a build to use the 30cm rexroth. Is there a build list or anything. I have picked up some free stuff at work and really would like to use this as my frame but can not really find any thing as far as prinited parts that use this size. Can you please point me in the right direction. Just want something simple and sturdy as this is my first build.
Re: 30cm x 30cm rexroth
October 13, 2015 03:01PM
My machine's frame is built using similar stuff and is largely modular, which makes it easy to scale. The Y axis is held in the frame by two bolts, the X axis is held on the Z axis screws by 2 bolts, and electronics is located in a drawer in the bottom of the machine. See the link in my sig below. There are very few printed parts in the machine- just the X axis motor mount and belt tensioner, and Z axis belt idler pulley mount. I'm planning to replace the motor mount and belt tensioner with aluminum parts soon.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/13/2015 03:06PM by the_digital_dentist.

Ultra MegaMax Dominator 3D printer: [drmrehorst.blogspot.com]
Re: 30cm x 30cm rexroth
October 13, 2015 05:47PM
I was looking for something that was already done using the same materials. I don't think I am at the point to where I can build one with out good instructions. I have a go large at work I use so I am decent at printing stuff, just looking for something basic I can build for home use with my kids.
Re: 30cm x 30cm rexroth
November 01, 2015 05:50PM
I have started gathering all the pieces necessary to build the scalar xl on thingsverse. The maker started a kickstarter to sell the design but has thankfully provided a full instructions list on the the website. its all made from 30x30mm extrusion.
Re: 30cm x 30cm rexroth
November 02, 2015 12:47AM
Thanks, I will def look into that. smiling smiley
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