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Skeinforge Powwow

Posted by Enrique 
Re: Skeinforge Powwow
May 21, 2009 10:22PM
OccSlicer version 0.3 is available.


This version has lots of new features and bugfixes:
* an installation manual is provided
* slicing of stl objects is faster and more accurate
* a window is provided that shows slices as they are created, in addition to the full part.
* windows are now interactive-- zoom, pan, and twist both windows
* added command line arguments to set slice thickness
* added ability to recognize .stp and step as step files
* reworked path manager to make other formats easier
* remove extra files and imports that were making installation harder
* moved parts to subfolder.

If you have good or bad success using OccSlicer, please let me know!
Re: Skeinforge Powwow
May 27, 2009 06:30PM
The latest skeinforge is attached, in subversion and at:

Profiles have been added. The profiles are selected in the profile tool. Skeinforge now looks for preference files in the selected profile folder in the .skeinforge folder in the home directory. If it doesn't find the preference file it then looks in the selected profile folder in the skeinforge_tools folder. If it doesn't find anything there it uses the hard coded preferences. The defaults folder and the material tool are no longer used and have been removed. If anyone has preferences that work for their machine, send them to me with a specific name, for example extrude_ABS_black_makerbot_400mcm_thick, and I'll throw em in. The current preferences are the following:

The start.txt, endofthebeginning.txt and replace.cvs files are now in the alterations folder. Skeinforge looks for those files in the alterations folder in the .skeinforge folder in the home directory. If it doesn't find the file it then looks in the alterations folder in the skeinforge_tools folder. If it doesn't find anything there looks in the skeinforge_tools folder.

The Art of Illusion Scripts folder, and fabricate folder have been moved into the miscellaneous folder. An abridged version of Dave's OccSlicer has been added to the miscellaneous folder. It is abridged to keep the zipped skeinforge small enough to be uploaded to this forum. It is there only so people who have not seen Dave's OccSlicer posts may notice the abridged version, which in the install file says look for the real thing, which is at:

The svg_template.svg file has been renamed svg_template.tmpl, to match the svg_template.tmpl file name in OccSlicer. The layer number display in svg_template now starts from zero instead of one.

The support material around hollow sphere bug has been fixed, along with another support bug. Also, the "Support Gap over Perimeter Extrusion Width" ratio had a half incorrectly added to it when being turned into the support outset. That has been corrected, so the Support Gap default has been changed from 0.5 to 1.0. Anyone with their own Support Gap preferences should add 0.5 to them after downloading this version.

open | download - reprap_python_beanshell.zip (504.3 KB)
Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 01, 2009 12:12PM
Hi Enrique

I thought I would try latest version and I seem to have a file missing, presumably in my python setup.

C:\PyTools>python skeinforge.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "skeinforge.py", line 232, in
from skeinforge_tools.skeinforge_utilities import gcodec
File "C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools\skeinforge_utilities\gcodec.py", line 21, in

import __init__
File "C:\Python25\__init__.py", line 1, in
from reprap import *
File "C:\Python25\reprap.py", line 21, in
import snap, time, serial
File "C:\Python25\snap.py", line 16, in
import serial
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\serial\__init__.py", line 18, in
from serialwin32 import *
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\serial\serialwin32.py", line 9, in
import win32file # The base COM port and file IO functions.
ImportError: No module named win32file

Any information on how to resolve this would be appreciated.


Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 01, 2009 01:16PM
Thanks for posting the traceback.

For an unknown reason there is the line:
from reprap import *

in your version of skeinforge. It should not be there. Could you please post the link where you got your skeinforge from?

In a new folder, try loading skeinforge directly from:

and try it again in the new folder. If there is still an error, post the error on this thread again.

Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 01, 2009 02:50PM
Hi Enrique

Used the link you posted and downloaded again.

C:\PyTools>python skeinforge.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "skeinforge.py", line 232, in
from skeinforge_tools.skeinforge_utilities import gcodec
File "C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools\skeinforge_utilities\gcodec.py", line 21, in

import __init__
File "C:\Python25\__init__.py", line 1, in
from reprap import *
File "C:\Python25\reprap.py", line 21, in
import snap, time, serial
File "C:\Python25\snap.py", line 16, in
import serial
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\serial\__init__.py", line 18, in
from serialwin32 import *
File "C:\Python25\Lib\site-packages\serial\serialwin32.py", line 9, in
import win32file # The base COM port and file IO functions.
ImportError: No module named win32file

C:\PyTools>dir sk*.py

Directory of C:\PyTools

07/05/2009 23:10 13,357 skeinforge.py
1 File(s) 13,357 bytes
0 Dir(s) 7,825,063,936 bytes free

This is date of skeinforge.py in the folder.

Could this be something to do with trying Occ slicer, maybe changed something on my python setup adding cheetah and the occ files. Sorry I can't help more, my knowledge of python is minimal.


Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 01, 2009 09:11PM
I don't know what the problem is, but I added an __init__.py file in the top level directory and put a try catch around the importation of serial. One of those changes might fix the problem so try downloading the version with these changes at:
Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 02, 2009 03:43AM
Hi Enrique

OK got further this time. Results below.

I am trying this on a spare PC before I overwrite my working skeinforge.

C:\PyTools>python skeinforge.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "skeinforge.py", line 316, in
File "skeinforge.py", line 313, in main
preferences.displayDialog( SkeinforgePreferences() )
File "skeinforge.py", line 300, in __init__
preferences.setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition( self, 'skeinforge
.html' )
File "C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools\skeinforge_utilities\preferences.py", line 1
96, in setHelpPreferencesFileNameTitleWindowPosition
displayPreferences.fileNamePreferences = getPreferencesFilePath( getLowerNam
eSetHelpTitleWindowPosition( displayPreferences, fileNameHelp ) )
File "C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools\skeinforge_utilities\preferences.py", line 1
23, in getPreferencesFilePath
directoryName = getProfilesDirectoryPath( getSelectedProfile() )
File "C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools\skeinforge_utilities\preferences.py", line 1
36, in getSelectedProfile
profilePreferences = ProfilePreferences()
File "C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools\skeinforge_utilities\preferences.py", line 9
92, in __init__
self.profileList = ProfileList().getFromName( 'Profile List:' )
File "C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools\skeinforge_utilities\preferences.py", line 8
04, in getFromName
File "C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools\skeinforge_utilities\preferences.py", line 8
17, in setValueToFolders
folders = getFolders( getProfilesDirectoryPath() )
File "C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools\skeinforge_utilities\preferences.py", line 9
4, in getFolders
directoryListing = os.listdir( directory )
WindowsError: [Error 3] The system cannot find the path specified: 'C:\\Document
s and Settings\\Ian\\.skeinforge\\profiles/*.*'



Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 02, 2009 02:48PM
I added a try / except clause in getFolders which might get it over the windows error. Try downloading the version with these changes at:
Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 03, 2009 04:13AM
Hi Enrique.

The latest version still had trouble with the .skeinforge directory. I guessed it was not being created so I created it from the command line.

The result of that was a perpetual loop trying to write the default csv files(as far as I could see, it was scrolling pretty fast)

finally bombed out with a stack overflow. Tail end of screen below.

Is there anything I can do to help? I am still not trying this on the actual Reprap machine in case it causes problems.

41, in getSelectedProfile
readPreferences( profilePreferences )
File "C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools\skeinforge_utilities\preferences.py", line 1
71, in readPreferences
aboveSelectedProfileDirectory = os.path.join( getDirectoryInAboveDirectory(
'profiles' ), getSelectedProfile() )
File "C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools\skeinforge_utilities\preferences.py", line 1
41, in getSelectedProfile
readPreferences( profilePreferences )
File "C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools\skeinforge_utilities\preferences.py", line 1
66, in readPreferences
text = gcodec.getFileText( archivablePreferences.fileNamePreferences )
File "C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools\skeinforge_utilities\gcodec.py", line 118, i
n getFileText
print( 'The file ' + fileName + ' does not exist, an empty string will be re
turned.' )
MemoryError: stack overflow



Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 03, 2009 02:50PM
It seems like skeinforge is not able to write to the preferences directory. Can you change the skeinforge or home directory permissions so that skeinforge can write to your home directory?
Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 04, 2009 01:14PM
Hi Enrique.

This be the case but the strange thing is I can save a text file in the same directory using an editor. I will try a fresh install on a completely different PC. If I install on my Reprap PC and I have trouble can I easily roll back to the version I am currently using?


Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 04, 2009 03:28PM

You should be able to roll back in subversion. If you can't, you can download an older version from a post attachment like:
Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 04, 2009 09:40PM

I was able to reproduce and fix the stack overflow error. It turned out to be because I added a subdirectory to .skeinforge but didn't change mkdir to makedirs; it was not a permission error. The fixed version is at:
Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 05, 2009 05:37AM
Hi Enrique

Skeinforge now starts OK.

It will not run completely from the skeinforge command so I started individual parts of the tool chain. This is typical of the result:-

The file C:\Documents and Settings\Ian\.skeinforge\profiles\test\analyze.csv doe
s not exist.
The default preferences for analyze.csv will be written in the .skeinforge folde
r in the home directory.
The file C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools\profiles\test\analyze.csv does not exist.
cannot import name material

That error means; could not import a module with the fileName clip
folder name skeinforge_tools
and module fileName C:\PyTools\skeinforge.py
giving an absolute directory name of C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools

The plugin could not be imported. So to run clip directly and at least get a mo
re informative error message,
in a shell in the skeinforge_tools folder type
> python clip.py
cannot import name material

That error means; could not import a module with the fileName clip
folder name skeinforge_tools
and module fileName C:\PyTools\skeinforge.py
giving an absolute directory name of C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools

The plugin could not be imported. So to run clip directly and at least get a mo
re informative error message,
in a shell in the skeinforge_tools folder type
> python clip.py


Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 05, 2009 12:48PM

Please send me the file you were trying to slice.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/05/2009 01:04PM by Enrique.
Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 06, 2009 04:22AM
Hi Enrique

Will do later. I tried all files in directory and got:-

"C:\PyTools>python skeinforge.py
cannot import name material

That error means; could not import a module with the fileName export
folder name skeinforge_tools
and module fileName skeinforge.py
giving an absolute directory name of C:\PyTools\skeinforge_tools

The plugin could not be imported. So to run export directly and at least get a
more informative error message,
in a shell in the skeinforge_tools folder type
> python export.py"

on every file.

I think all the files have run through earlier skeinforge versions without problems.


Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 06, 2009 03:25PM
Run carve directly with one of the test files like "Screw Holder Bottom.stl". To do so in a shell in the skeinforge_tools folder type:
> python carve.py"
Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 06, 2009 08:18PM

When I run the latest version of skeinforge, I get a "cannot import name material" error. I looked at cool.py to see where it came from, and it seems to come from

File "/home/vik/skeinforge/skeinforge_tools/speed.py", line 96, in
from skeinforge_tools import material
ImportError: cannot import name material

So I looked in there, and found a line saying:

from skeinforge_tools import material

but I am unable to find "material*" in the skeinforge ZIP file.

Any idea what is going on?

Vik :v)
Skeinforge utilities error
June 07, 2009 12:57AM
I commented out the lines trying to import material and ran it again. Much happier, but still producing an error:

File "/home/vik/skeinforge/skeinforge_tools/tower.py", line 255, in addGcodeFromThreadZ
self.addGcodeMovementZ( self.feedrateMinute, point, z )
File "/home/vik/skeinforge/skeinforge_tools/tower.py", line 260, in addGcodeMovementZ
if point in self.feedrateTable:
File "/home/vik/skeinforge/skeinforge_tools/skeinforge_utilities/vector3.py", line 79, in __eq__
return self.x == other.x and self.y == other.y and self.z == other.z
AttributeError: 'complex' object has no attribute 'x'

Not sure why. For the moment I've just turned tower off.

Vik :v)
Forcing X and Y axis reset to zero
June 07, 2009 01:00AM
On the RepRap Java GUI you can tell the extruder to "home" on the X and Y axes between layers. This is good because on my crappy machine with a simple DC motor-driven extruder I get a few lumps and bumps. Occasionally the nozzle catches on one and will become misaligned. Seeking X and Y minima between every layer fixes the problem nicely.

Would it be possible to add this to the "Cool.py" module? I'm not entirely sure where I should slip it in or what Gcode commands do the job...

Vik :v)
Re: Forcing X and Y axis reset to zero
June 07, 2009 03:10AM
Hi Vik,

Thank you very much for fixing the import material bug and printing the error trace of the tower bug. On my machine neither bug appeared, the "import material" bug did not appear because I still had the material.pyc file in my directory even though material.py was deleted. I did not notice the complex compared with Vector3 bug because in my python version it always returned false instead of crashing. So the posted skeinforge version was buggy for most people. Both bugs have been reproduced and fixed, and the updated version is on subversion, attached and at:

On the RepRap software, where does the extruder home to between layers? Does it go to something like G1 X0 Y0, or something like G1 X-9999 Y-9999; could you post or email me a gcode homing line?

open | download - reprap_python_beanshell.zip (506 KB)
Re: Forcing X and Y axis reset to zero
June 07, 2009 06:35AM
You're welcome. I know the value of constructive bug reports and I try to comply smiling smiley

The Java GUI does:

G92 X0 ;set x 0
G92 Y0 ;set y 0

Which on the face of it doesn't do what I'm hoping - although it will set the balance of error in favour of seeking zero so it's better than nothing smiling smiley

I presume the G1 X-9999 Y-9999 would work? Normally I'd volunteer to test it myself but I'm off to Wellington for a few days and won't be near a working RepRap until Thursday.

Do we have separate movement speeds and deposition speeds in skeinforge?

Vik :v)
Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 07, 2009 07:02AM

Be careful with

G92 X0 ;set x 0
G92 Y0 ;set y 0

This shifts the G code coordinate zero. It will be the current position in the axample as it is followed by X0 & Y0

I believe the lines before this probably sends the the head to the home position limit switches and the G92 commands just resets the coordinates.

If you add the home command to cool could it call a file say "Homing.txt".

It could be blank for nothing or edited to suit the machine in use for those using CNC Repstraps.


Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 07, 2009 11:20AM
Hi guys, will this latest file set work now?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2009 01:33PM by snowwolflairsnowwolflair.
Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 07, 2009 03:06PM
The new version of Skeinforge is much better, correcting calcualtion errors I have had previously on complex shapes.

There is one bug I have found, it wont save the variable for the Support Material choice.
Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 07, 2009 03:52PM

In speed; the deposition rate is called 'Feedrate', and the movement feedrate is called 'Travel Feedrate'.


As you suggest I'll add a way of adding a homing.txt file.


If it doesn't save the variable for the Support Material choice, it probably isn't saving the variables for raft. This might because of the changeover from using material to profiles. All I can suggest is backing up skeinforge, then deleting the .skeinforge preferences folder in your home directory and the skeinforge script folder. Then download the latest version from:
Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 07, 2009 04:34PM
It is writing the file incorrectly. All the other variables are writing the changes in Raft file, however the support variable is saving "no support" regardless of the selection. If I manually correct the file it then overwrites it with the "No support" selection when I check it using the menu.

Also if I modify the raft file skeinforge ignores the variable as well.

NB all new software and old variables deleted.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/07/2009 04:52PM by snowwolflairsnowwolflair.
Re: Skeinforge Powwow
June 11, 2009 10:44AM

thank you, The latest version is working very well.


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/11/2009 02:43PM by snowwolflairsnowwolflair.
Z Travel Far Too Fast
June 14, 2009 03:45AM
When I enabled "hop" skeinforge tried to move my Z axis far, far too fast resulting in complete loss of Z axis registration.

Where I can I set the Z axis travel speed?

Vik :v)
Re: Z Travel Far Too Fast
June 14, 2009 05:49AM
Hmm, I think the inter-layer Z transitions are also a wee bit on the fast side. I'm using an Arduino Gcode driver compiled with 0010. I've set the max Z feed rate in its parameters to be 5mm/min, but I think it is attempting to somewhat exceed this and is skipping noisily. Works OK on GUI control and can manage 20mm/min.

Vik :v)
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