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Prusa i3 Hictop - Y axis Jagged

Posted by achoo01 
Prusa i3 Hictop - Y axis Jagged
October 24, 2015 10:59AM
Hey there,

Pretty new to 3d printing and new to this forum. Got my printer up and running and can print ok but I have a nagging issue that I just can't seem to figure out. I've included a couple pictures of the problem, but basically, the edges of the Y axis (I'm fairly certain thats correct, what the build plate moves on) come out uneven. The X axis comes out perfectly smooth as seen in the picture. I'm fairly certain that the belt is sufficiently tight and over came an issue with Y axis drift so I don't think the stepper is skipping. I've played with alot of settings and turned the speed down alot but just can't solve the issue. It could possibly be that the piece holding the Y axis stepper in place "jiggles" a bit during printing and am trying to rule that out now.

So basically i'm curious if someone recognizes this issue and can point out what typically causes it.

20mm Hollow Cube (at least its supposed to be, the fact that its not 20mm tall may be a different issue!)



Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 10/24/2015 11:35AM by achoo01.
Re: Prusa i3 Hictop - Y axis Jagged
October 24, 2015 01:35PM
I figured it out, Found the screw holding the heating plate had come lose causing the belt to wiggle underneath.
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