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Best way to hold dual extruders

Posted by fxmech 
Best way to hold dual extruders
June 02, 2013 08:39PM
I bought a dual extruder set from QU-DB and they come with a very simple mounting plate.

I am confused why you would want to hold the entire extruder assembly by just the thread on the hot end?

I would think it makes more sense to make a plate that supports the stepper as well since that is the bulk of the mass and would probably bounce around every time the printer changes direction abruptly.

Does this make sense or is there a reason why they are held only by the one thread with no support for the stepper motor.

I was thinking of making the plate in a similar fashion but extending below the steppers and maybe sandwiching in a piece of rubber to absorb vibration.

I've never built a printer so I am guess taking guesses here...

What have you found is the best way to mount the dual extruders together???

Re: Best way to hold dual extruders
July 01, 2013 01:09PM
i have one of there extruders, and it comes with another bolt to hold them to the plate with so that it is attached at 2 points not just one in the middle.

it turns out to be a more solid mount than i was expecting.

Re: Best way to hold dual extruders
September 17, 2013 06:38AM
How about using it for the joints in a delta or SCARA printer. This would be particularly useful if you could print it between or attached to a harder ABS or PLA mounting

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