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Nema23 300oz Configuration

Posted by Darsh 
Nema23 300oz Configuration
March 07, 2015 06:13PM
Hi people, first of all apologize if my question has been answered earlier in another post, but the truth is I am very tired and I already read everything my eyes allowed. I've built a home-made CNC with almost no money. I'm using 3 motors Nema 23 300 oz (21 kg cm) in a TB6560-4v3 controller. The issue is that I can not putt my finger on Mach3 motor configurations. What the machine draw is not what the code says, I have always variations, for example, instead of doing 10 cm on X and Y, it draws X 10.45mm and Y 10.2mm. that's to much of an error. I threaded rods M10 (10mm of circumference) with a pitch of 1.5mm, common hardware, nothing fancy. The configuration I'm using now is Steps 1110.8333 (for both Y and X), 1406.4 Velocity / Acceleration 250, and the rest 0 and 0, respectively step and dir. Why these numbers? I read them some where and then star playing with them. Z config is 1066.66 / 666 / 250 / 0 / 0. The truth is that would greatly appreciate any information you could give me. Ah, the bars are directly attached with the axis of the motors. Sometimes when I change the numbers of "Steps per" in mach3, the motorez buzz and vibrate a lot or even "scream" and nothing, do not move. I'm so so sooo sorry for my english I hope you can understand me. Please, give me a hand would you?

Pd: Controller board is on Slow Decay - 1/8 Micro Steps - 50% of 3 Amps

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/08/2015 02:23PM by Darsh.
Re: Nema23 300oz Configuration
April 05, 2015 07:15AM
Steps/mm for 1.5mm pitch and 1/8 microstepping is 1066.6666, not 1110.8333, like you configured Z. Threaded rods are a poor choice in terms of accuracy, repeatability and backlash. Your maximum feed is probably under 600 mm/min, not 1406.4.
Most Chinese TB6560 boards are usually very dodgy, lots of noise causing incorrect stepper positioning. There are some mods to add filters to reduce this issue.

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