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interesting article on fast, real-time calculation of acceleration profiles for stepper motors

Posted by Triffid_Hunter 
More as a note for myself than anything, but do comment here if you have thoughts smiling smiley

I like it.

there was (?) an implementation of the Motor.c for the ATMega16 in ImageCraft C.

I have a copy of the zip file on my Harddisk.

I did a very quick and dirty hack to drive a stepper with step and dir signals based on this code under Arduino.


Will you share the Arduino stepper code?


I'm not sure about the copyright.

But you can still download the files at avrfreaks.net
You just have to be loged in cool smiley

My code isn't very usefull.
I'm a very beginer and just wanted to play with the arduino environment.
In fact that was my first hack on a microcontroller and since then I didn't fiddle with it.

So don't expect too much.


//      Dynamic ramping of a stepper motor
//      This code was mostly stolen from David Austin's article on dynamic
//      ramp tables (http://www.embedded.com/56800129), with some modifications
//      this test code drives a contoller with step/dir input
//      pin     function        direction
//      ---     --------        ---------
//      PA0      DIR		output DIR Signal
//      PA1      STEP		output STEP Signal
//      ATmega16, 16 MHz quarz

#include < util/delay.h> 

#define STEP_PIN 25 
#define DIR_PIN 24

// C0 = first step (must fit in unsigned int)
// C_MIN is max speed timer value using 1 MHz timer
// related to (1024 * 1024 * 60 / MAX_RPM / STEPS_PER_REV) (see Austins paper)
#define C0    40000
#define C_MIN  2000

#if C_MIN >= C0
#error "C_MIN must be less than C0"

// ramp state-machine states
#define RAMP_IDLE 0
#define RAMP_UP   1
#define RAMP_MAX  2
#define RAMP_DOWN 3
#define RAMP_LAST 4

volatile char ramp_status;              // current ramp status
volatile long motor_pos;                // absolute current position (signed)
volatile char run_flag;                 // true (non-zero) while motor is running
volatile unsigned long c32;             // 24.8 fixed point delay count
volatile unsigned long step_no;         // progress of move
volatile unsigned int c;                // timer delay count
volatile unsigned long step_down;       // start of ramp-down
volatile long denom;                    // 4 * n + 1 in ramp algo (signed)

unsigned long nstep;                    // total steps to move
unsigned long midpoint;                 // midpoint of current move
int pos_inc;                            // motor_pos increment (1 or -1, signed)

void do_wait(void)
  unsigned char i;

void setup()
   pinMode(STEP_PIN, OUTPUT);
   pinMode(DIR_PIN, OUTPUT);

//      initialization
void m_init(void)
  run_flag = 0;                          // we're idle
  ramp_status = RAMP_IDLE;                 // (this proves it)
  motor_pos = 0;                        // absolute motor position

//      timer1 initialization - prescale = 8, normal, 1MHz
//      use TCCR1B = 0x02; to start timer with prescale = 8
  TCCR1B = 0x00;                        // stop timer1
  TCNT1H = 0x00;                        // timer value
  TCNT1L = 0x00;
  OCR1AH = 0x00;                        // match A value
  OCR1AL = 0x01;
  TCCR1A = 0x00;                        // normal mode

  MCUCR = 0x00;
  GICR  = 0x00;
  TIMSK = 0x10;                         // timer1, output compare A interrupts

// -------------------------------------------------------
//      motor_run() - move motor to new absolute position
//      this runs the motor to a new position.  the current position is
//      maintained in the variable "motor_pos" with positive values being
//      one direction of rotation and negative values being the other (actual
//      directions depend on the coil polarity - the way you've wired it).
//      we set everything up, then start the timer with a 1 ms delay
//      so all the stepping can be done within the interrupt handler
void move_to(long pos_new) {

  while (run_flag) ;                     // paranoid

  if (pos_new < motor_pos) {            // get direction & step count
    nstep = motor_pos - pos_new;        // number of steps is always positive
    pos_inc = -1;                       // decrement the position
    digitalWrite(DIR_PIN, LOW);		// set DIR -
  } else if (pos_new != motor_pos) { 
    nstep = pos_new - motor_pos;        // positive number of steps to make
    pos_inc = 1;                        // increment the positioin
    digitalWrite(DIR_PIN, HIGH);        // set DIR +
  } else return;                        // already there

  midpoint = (nstep + 1) >> 1;          // midpoint, rounded up
  c = C0;                               // we're stopped, so this will be first move
  c32 = ((unsigned long) c) << 8;       // c as 24.8 fixed-point fmt for ramp calcs
  step_no = 0;                          // step counter within this move
  denom = 1;                            // 4 * n + 1, where n = 0

  if (nstep > 1) {                      // single step is special case
    ramp_status = RAMP_UP;              // normal - start ramp state-machine
  } else {
    ramp_status = RAMP_DOWN;            // shut it down after one step
  run_flag = 1;                         // we're busy...

  TCCR1B = 0x00;                        // stop timer1 (should be stopped)
  TCNT1H = 0x00;                        // reset tic count
  TCNT1L = 0x00;
  OCR1AH = 0x04;                        // start about a millisecond
  OCR1AL = 0x00;                        // after we enable the timer

  TCCR1B = 0x02;                        // start timer1, prescale = 8

// -------------------------------------------------------
//      timer1 compare match a interrupt handler
//      we come here to start things rolling, and then at the end of each step.
//      the next timer value will already be in the variable c, and denom has the
//      previously used denominator for the calculation.

  TCCR1B = 0x00;                        // stop the timer

// we can't get here if we're RAMP_IDLE, so we'll be paranoid. if we're RAMP_LAST,
// eveything is done except marking the end of the move (in run_flag) and calling
// current_off(). the last step has just just completed.

  if (ramp_status == RAMP_IDLE) return;

  if (ramp_status != RAMP_LAST)         // if we're not on cleanup duty,
    motor_pos += pos_inc;               // update the absolute position
    step_no++;                          // cur postion within sequence [0,nstep]
    TCNT1H = 0x00;                      // reset tic count to zero
    TCNT1L = 0x00;
    OCR1AH = c >> 8;                    // the next match count
    OCR1AL = c & 0x0ff;
    TCCR1B = 0x02;                      // start timer1, prescale = 8

  switch (ramp_status) 
    case RAMP_UP:				// we are accelerating
      if (step_no >= midpoint)			// midpoint: decel
        ramp_status = RAMP_DOWN;
        denom = ((step_no - nstep) << 2) - 3;

        if (!(nstep & 1))			// even # of moves: repeat last step
          denom += 4;
      // no break: share code for ramp algo

    case RAMP_DOWN:				// we are decelerating
      if (step_no >= nstep)			// just made last step, next is cleanup
        ramp_status = RAMP_LAST;

      // calculate the step value for the next step
      denom += 4;
      c32 -= ((long) (c32 << 1)) / denom;    	// ramp algorithm
      c = (c32 + 128) >> 8;             	// round 24.8 format -> int16

      if (c <= C_MIN)				// go to constant speed?
        ramp_status = RAMP_MAX;            	// yup
        step_down = nstep - step_no - 1;
        c = C_MIN;                      	// next step is this
        c32 = ((long) c) << 8;          	// and put it in the 24.8 format

    case RAMP_MAX:                      	// we're holding a constant speed
      if (step_no == step_down) 		// are we done yet?
        ramp_status = RAMP_DOWN;           	// yes - start decelerating next time
        denom = ((step_no - nstep) << 2) + 1;

    default:					// end of last step - cleanup
      ramp_status = RAMP_IDLE;          	// we won't be back
      run_flag = 0;                     	// the move is complete
} //ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect)

void do_step(byte step_pin)
	digitalWrite(step_pin, HIGH);
	digitalWrite(step_pin, LOW);

//      main

  long pos = 1200;			// some position to move to
void loop() {
    move_to(pos);			// go to it
    while (run_flag);			// wait until the motor stops
    move_to(-pos);			// go back home
    while (run_flag);			// wait until the motor stops
} //main

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