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A Question for Nophead

Posted by emt 
A Question for Nophead
September 27, 2009 05:18AM

I know you originally were using your own design of machine with your own control code and got fantastic results. Did you have acceleration and deceleration on the axis moves and if so did you have to alter the extrusion rate as you decelerated?

I have a machine with high inertia and I cannot run very fast without acc & dec.

I am trying to decide if I should continue with this machine or build a Reprap for improved performance.


Re: A Question for Nophead
September 27, 2009 06:50AM
Yes I use acceleration and deceleration. My table weighs 8Kg, so although it can easily move at 40mm/s, it cannot start or stop at that speed.

My host makes a table of the step delays for the fastest possible linear acceleration of the heaviest axis.

    def set_ramp(self, steps, run_delay):
        table = pack('>h',steps)                #start with the number of entries
        k = 4 * run_delay * run_delay * steps
        last = 0
        for i in range(steps):
            t = sqrt((i + 1) * k)
            table = table + pack('>h', int(round(t - last)))
            last = t
        return table

The table for XY moves has 50 micro steps, which is 0.3mm to get to 40mm/s, which is the speed I do moves at, but I generally extrude at 16mm/s, which only ~0.1mm.

The table gets sent to the main controller and used to set the minimum step delays at the start and the end of a line. This is in the Bresenham loop.

            if(steps < ramp_length) {    // near end of line ?
                del = ramp[steps];
                if(del < run_delay)
                    del = run_delay;
                if(stepped < ramp_length) {  // near start of line ?
                    del = ramp[stepped];
                    if(del < run_delay)
                        del = run_delay;
                    del = run_delay;  // middle of line, use the specified speed

It isn't optimum, but it ensures the max acceleration is never exceeded and it is very simple. I don't attempt to ramp the extruder to match because its response is far too slow. Once the table is installed the movement commands just send the end position and step delay and forget about acceleration.

Re: A Question for Nophead
September 27, 2009 10:29AM
Interesting. I too need to (ac/de)celerate in my breshenham routine. We obviously don't use the same variable names.

Would you be willing to pack up your breshenham stepper routine and post it here?
Re: A Question for Nophead
September 27, 2009 11:04AM
This is the entire code for the motion control on HydraRaptor: -

word do_motion(void);
void init_motors(void);
void step_x(int steps,int del);
void step_y(int steps,int del);
void step_z(int steps,dword del);

void goto_xyz(word x, word y, word z, word del);
void goto_xy(word x, word y, word del);
void goto_z(word z, word del);

typedef struct cartesian_state {
    word x,y,z,steps;
} cartesian_state_ty;

void get_cartesian_state(cartesian_state_ty *state);
void set_ramp(word length, const word *table);

#include "io.h"
#include "cartesian.h"
#include "timer.h"

#define ORIGIN_Z    400
#define ORIGIN_X    (20139/2 - 125)
#define ORIGIN_Y    (24183/2 - 148)
#define MOVE_DELAY  160
#define ZMOVE_DELAY 1250

#define SEEK_DELAY  30000
#define ZSEEK_DELAY 330000
#define HYSTERESIS  130
#define MAX_RAMP    256

typedef struct axis {
    sword   pos;                        // Current position
    sword   min;                        // Limits
    sword   max;
    sword   steps;                      // Number of steps to do this line
    sword   dir;                        // Direction of each step +/-1
    sword   acc;                        // Brezenham accumulator
    void    (*set_dir)(bool);           // Virtual function to set direction output (X,Y only)
    void    (*start_step)(void);        // Leading edge of step pulse
    void    (*end_step)(void);          // Trailing edge of step pulse
    bool    (*mlimit)(void);            // Read the negative limit
} axis_ty;

static axis_ty X,Y,Z;
static word total_steps;
static volatile word steps,stepped;
static word ramp[MAX_RAMP];
       sbyte x_error[MAX_RAMP], y_error[MAX_RAMP];
static word run_delay;
static word ramp_length;
// Return the state of the system
void get_cartesian_state(cartesian_state_ty *state)
    state->x = X.pos;
    state->y = Y.pos;
    state->z = Z.pos;
    state->steps = steps;
// Initialise an axis object
static void init_axis(
        axis_ty     *axis, 
        sword       min, 
        sword       max, 
        void        (*set_dir)(bool),
        void        (*start_step)(void),
        void        (*end_step)(void),
        bool        (*mlimit)(void) 
    axis->min = min;
    axis->max = max;
    axis->set_dir = set_dir;
    axis->start_step = start_step;
    axis->end_step = end_step;
    axis->mlimit = mlimit;    
// Set the direction outputs
static void set_x_dir(bool forwards)    { XDIR = forwards ? 0 : 1; }
static void set_y_dir(bool forwards)    { YDIR = forwards ? 0 : 1; }
static void set_z_dir(bool forwards)    { (void)forwards; }
// Do steps
static void start_x_step(void) { XSTEP = 1; }
static void   end_x_step(void) { XSTEP = 0; }
static void start_y_step(void) { YSTEP = 1; }
static void   end_y_step(void) { YSTEP = 0; }
static const byte zmotor_table[8] = {
    0xC0, //0xC0,
    0x40, //0x40,
    0x50, //0x60,
    0x10, //0x20,
    0x30, //0x30,
    0x20, //0x10,
    0xA0, //0x90,
    0x80, //0x80,
static void start_z_step(void) { PTS = (PTS & 0x0F) | zmotor_table[Z.pos & 7]; }
static void   end_z_step(void) { }
// Read limit switches
static bool x_mlimit(void) { return !XMLIMIT; }
static bool y_mlimit(void) { return !YMLIMIT; }
static bool z_mlimit(void) { return !ZMLIMIT; }
// Do a step or not as the case may be
static void bresenham_step(axis_ty *axis)
    axis->acc -= axis->steps;
    if(axis->acc < 0) {
        axis->acc += total_steps;
        axis->pos += axis->dir;
// Called from timer interrupt handler
word do_motion(void){
    static bool start = TRUE;
    static word del;
    if(steps) {
        if(Z.dir >= 0 && (!TOOL_Z0 || !TOOL_Z1)) {  // Stop if hit tool sensor and moving down
            start = TRUE;                           // Abort this run
            steps = 0;
            return 20;
        if(start) {
            start = FALSE;
            if(steps < ramp_length) {
                del = ramp[steps];
                if(del < run_delay)
                    del = run_delay;
                if(stepped < ramp_length) {
                    del = ramp[stepped];
                    if(del < run_delay)
                        del = run_delay;
                    del = run_delay;
        else {
            X.end_step();                           // Do trailing edge of step pulse
            if(stepped < MAX_RAMP) {
                x_error[stepped] = x_shaft - X.pos;
                y_error[stepped] = y_shaft - Y.pos;
            start = TRUE;
        return del;
    return 20;
// Set the steps and direction on specified axis
static void set_steps(axis_ty *axis, sword steps)
    if(steps < 0) {
        axis->steps = -steps;
        axis->dir = -1;
    else {
        axis->steps = steps;
        axis->dir = 1;
    axis->acc = 0;
// Go to specified position in a straight line
void goto_xyz(word x, word y, word z, word del)
    run_delay = del;
    set_steps(&X, x - X.pos);
    set_steps(&Y, y - Y.pos);
    set_steps(&Z, z - Z.pos);
    total_steps = X.steps;
    if(total_steps < Y.steps)
        total_steps = Y.steps;
    if(total_steps < Z.steps)
        total_steps = Z.steps;
    stepped = 0;
    steps = total_steps;
// Set the ramp table
void set_ramp(word length, const word *table)
    if(length) {
        if(length > MAX_RAMP)
            length = MAX_RAMP;
        (void)memcpy(ramp, table, length * 2);
    ramp_length = length;
// Move horizontally
void goto_xy(word x, word y, word del)
    goto_xyz(x, y, Z.pos, del);
// Move vertically
void goto_z(word z, word del)
    goto_xyz(X.pos, Y.pos, z, del);
// Step one axis at time in the foreground, checks for negative limit
void step(axis_ty *axis, int steps, dword del) {
    word t = uS(del);
    set_steps(axis, steps);
    while(axis->steps) {
        if(axis->dir < 0 && axis->mlimit())
        axis->pos += axis->dir;
// Find the negative limit
void seek0(axis_ty *axis, dword move_delay, dword seek_delay, word hysteresis)
    sword max_move = axis->max - axis->min;         // maximum distance from limit
    max_move += max_move >> 2;                      // a bit more as we can go past the limits on X and Y
    if(axis->mlimit())                              // If already past the limit
        step(axis ,1000,move_delay);                // Step forward
	step(axis, -max_move, move_delay);              // step back until hits limit sensor
	delay_us(seek_delay);                           // give it chance to stop
	step(axis,hysteresis, move_delay);              // skip some of the hysteresis
	while(axis->mlimit())                           // now go back slowly to limit goes away
// Initialise, find the negative limits and then home to the origin
void init_motors(void)
    init_axis(&X, 0, 23000, set_x_dir, start_x_step, end_x_step, x_mlimit);
    init_axis(&Y, 0, 24000, set_y_dir, start_y_step, end_y_step, y_mlimit);
    init_axis(&Z, 0, 4000,  set_z_dir, start_z_step, end_z_step, z_mlimit);
	Z.pos &= 7;

	X.pos = 0;
	Y.pos = 0;
	x_shaft = 0;
	y_shaft = 0;


Re: A Question for Nophead
September 27, 2009 11:12AM
Hi Nophead

Many thanks.


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