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Carbon 3d printer in europe?

Posted by sungod3k 
Carbon 3d printer in europe?
August 08, 2017 07:33AM

Im looking for a company that uses a carbon 3d printer [www.carbon3d.com] in Europe/Germany. Has anyone ever come across someone who has rented such a printer?

Re: Carbon 3d printer in europe?
August 08, 2017 12:28PM
Wow that's a lot of marketing hype! Isn't it just a DLP printer? They say themselves that all the strength comes from post processing.... I could slather my own prints in epoxy and they would be even stronger!

Sorry rant over, I don't know any companies with this particular printer smileys with beer
Re: Carbon 3d printer in europe?
August 08, 2017 03:26PM
Yeah but im exactly after the post processing. I want to make something that can resist some water pressure and would like to know if that realistic with a carbon printer.

They have a vid where they make some valve components for a high pressure system, so that looks interesting enough to ask^^
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