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reprap discount full graphic smart controller problem

Posted by Anthony2014 
reprap discount full graphic smart controller problem
April 17, 2014 11:40PM
Hello I am trying to install the reprap discount full graphics smart controller on ramps 1.4 i have the adapter installed also. I uncommented the line in marlin for the controller. When i have my usb from pc plugged into ramps 1.4 it lights up display some info such as basic temps fan speeds. If i unplug the usb from PC the screen is black. From my reading on this lcd i think it said 5v power will come out of the adapter to power the sdcard? Correct? I get nothing if the usb is not plugged in and just 12 v 30A power supply on. Any help be greatly appreciated thank you.
Re: reprap discount full graphic smart controller problem
April 17, 2014 11:59PM
This probably won't be of much help, but I am sure someone else had this issue recently, but I don't remember the fix. I think they replaced a component on the ramps board.

Re: reprap discount full graphic smart controller problem
April 18, 2014 12:47AM
Hi, in the italian section we got same problems on LCD going off. I'm talking about powering with 12v and the D1 mod. We found out it is a broken line from D1-1N4004 to AM-VIN, seems a common fault in the board production.
Take a multimeter and check continuity between those point. If so just bridge. Was this the solution you read?
Re: reprap discount full graphic smart controller problem
April 18, 2014 12:51AM
I had a version of this problem.

My voltage regulator on the arduino went bad, so I wasn't getting 5 volts to the controller. This didn't allow the arduino to power unless it was plugged into usb. You can check this on one of the RAMPS 5volt pins while only connected to your power supply. I think I just had a bum arduino in the first place, so this problem may not be as common.

An easier solution could be the installation of D1 on your RAMPS board. It needs to be installed to power the arduino from the power inputs instead of USB.

Here is the section in the wiki about that:

RAMPS 1.4 D1-D2
Re: reprap discount full graphic smart controller problem
April 18, 2014 01:25AM
Well I did the easy thing swapped ramps and mega 2560 board out works fine now so something wrong on my others board just do not know what it is.
Re: reprap discount full graphic smart controller problem
April 18, 2014 01:26AM
Salsabettis thanks very much. I will check out what you said. smiling smiley
Re: reprap discount full graphic smart controller problem
April 18, 2014 03:40PM
That was what I ended up having to do. Switching to a new Arduino was the ultimate solution for me.
Re: reprap discount full graphic smart controller problem
January 23, 2015 07:11AM
this is such an ugly bug and it makes me lookup it again.. so here a some fotos
open | download - broken_d1.jpg (44.9 KB)
open | download - working_d1.jpg (59.5 KB)
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